Silkolene Super 4 Stroke Engine Oil
Silkolene Super 4 Stroke Engine Oil
Semi-synthetic 4-stroke engine oils, with MC-Syn Technology, for all modern motorcycles. Incorporates detergents, dispersant's and load carrying agents to give excellent engine cleanliness and minimum wear of moving parts.
Contains a balanced blend of inhibitors and anti-wear agents to ensure correct operation of oil immersed clutches and other drive line components. The advanced additive chemistry protects the engine and transmission from start-up to full power.
The four and twenty litre "bag in box" concept offers a smart alternative to rigid plastic bottles and is highly eco-friendly as well as being much easier to store and use. The Lube Cubes have a 100 percent recyclable corrugated cardboard outer and 98 percent recyclable inner, reducing environmental impact while also significantly reducing disposal costs. A small perforated hole is created at the top of the box, from which a spout appears. The box can then be easily tilted and lubricant pours out. The Lube Cube offers a controlled anti-glug pour and has a collapsing inner bag, ensuring maximum drainage of the product without air ingress, resulting in minimum waste and spills.
- 10W-40 and 20W-50
- 1 Litre, 4 litre and 20 litre cube options
- Oil for commuter and long distance tourers
- Protects engines and transmissions
- Releasing hidden power
- Ensuring long term performance retention